Novel Adventures

Novel Adventures
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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Novel Adventures Book Club

The long awaited Novel Adventures Book Club is set to begin Monday, February 3rd. We will be discussing Anna and the French Kiss , by Stephanie Perkins. You can purchase here.

The schedule for discussion is as follows:
Monday, February 3rd - Chapters 1-3
Tuesday, February 4th- Chapters 4-6
Wednesday, February 5th- Chapters 7-9
Thursday, February 6th- Chapter 10-12
Saturday, February 7th -Dream Vacation Discussion based on the first twelve chapters.
Monday, February  10th- Chapters 13-15
Tuesday, February 11th- Chapter 16-18
Wednesday, February 12th- Chapters 19-21
Thursday, February 13th- Chapters 22-24
Friday, February 14th- Chapter 25-27
Saturday, February 15th- Dream Vacation Discussion based on the first twenty-seven chapters.
Monday, February 17th- Chapters 28-30
Tuesday, February 18th- Chapter 31-33
Wednesday, February 19th- Chapter 34-35
Thursday, February 20th- Chapters 36-38
Friday, February 21st- Chapters 39-41
Saturday, February 22nd- Dream Vacation Discussion based on thee first forty-one chapters.
Monday, February 24th- Chapters 42-44
Tuesday, February 25th- Chapters 45-47
Wednesday, February 26th- Wrap up the discussion and talk about the next Book Club Book.

The Rules
1. Always be kind. We may have different options on what we read and that is fine but please be respectful of the feelings of other readers. Please do not personally attack another member or bully in anyway.
2. Everyone is welcome to read along with us. There is no age limit or fees due. Since there is no age limit, and we do cover young adult books from time to time, let's keep the discussion rated PG13 please! No offensive language or overtly sexual discussions. There are plenty of other places on the Internet for that behavior - not here.
3. It's cool if you want to read ahead but please do not spoil the story for the rest of us. Please wait until we get there to discuss your favorite part.
4. If you do not like the book we are reading, come back next month as the selection changes.
5. Let's stay on topic, this discussion is about the selected book. If you have a book you would like to mention for the next book club wait until the end of the month when we open discussion for our next book.
6. Saturday is Dream Vacation Day. Feel free to discuss travel that you have taken, or want to take but please do not spoil the story for the rest of us by jumping to scenes we have not read.
7. If you are interested in any of the travel that we have discussed or booking your own personal trip you can contact us through our website Novel Adventures Vacations  or email us at,
8. There is no obligation attached to joining our book club. You are free to come and go as you like. If you do book travel with us, please mention that you are a member of Novel Adventures Book Club as we have a special gift for you for your trip.